Holy Spirit, be my Genius

The word genius actually comes from an identical Latin word meaning: ‘attendant spirit present from one’s birth, innate ability or inclination’. Ooooh. Very new agey, huh?

There is a very real pressure at this, the pointy end of history, to either be brilliant or not. Hollywood teaches us that genius is an ability that you are born with.. or without. But, as Christians there is another side to this story. We have been born again and filled with the Spirit of the creative God. We are being transformed into the likeness of creativity itself, through Christ. What I’m saying is: we have a Genius living on the inside of us!

From the very beginning (or at least, back when Latin was a thing), there was never an expectation for mankind to be the source of their own genius. Genius comes from above. Inspiration is a mercy gift that comes from the heart of the Father, just like rain. The farmer prays for rain and God grants it, when they least expect it.

Peter experienced this first hand. Peter, the disciple who could never stop putting his foot in his mouth, addresses the city of Jerusalem in the open air on the day of Pentecost. In Acts 2, in the “suddenly” of Pentecost (verse 2), he proclaims to a city that they have arrived at the pivot of history and that Jesus is the Messiah. Inspired by the Holy Spirit inside him, he lets loose one of the most powerful sermons in history and 3000 people were saved after his words “pierced their hearts” (verse 37). That was the dawn of the church!

Since the beginning of this year, and even while working on the new website, I’ve been dreaming into what it looks like for us to steward and house the Spirit of the Creative God in our acts of worship. Particularly for the media team, I think this is going to be super important. I once asked a photographer: “how do you experience God when you are taking photos?” He answered, “photography is painting with light! Who else do I know who does that?!” I’m excited to see what it looks like to pursue producing church media that is, not just excellent, but divinely inspired. But, I believe that when God offers such a beautiful gift to one part of our church body we should all feel full permission to get greedy! He is offering His kids, right here at Liberty Church, a beautiful gift in this season. Let’s take a hold of it together!

Father, please visit us with your Holy Spirit. We want to be inspired to pour out perfume. Give us a new song, a new wineskin, a new creative expression of worship for us to recklessly waste on you. You are absolutely worthy.

Creatives, writers, singers, artists… Worshippers.
Let’s encounter the God of Genius together.

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